We’re kicking it up a notch and learning the FOUNDER! This exercise utilizes your decompression breathing and adds in a hinge at the hip.
Start with your feet hip width apart, with the outside lines of your feet parallel. Activate your inner legs by squeezing your heels together.
Take a decompression breath to elevate your rib cage, and then hinge at the hips – hips go back and chest comes forward (no movement in the spine!).
Bring your arms in front of you into a “sphere on tension,” squeezing your ten fingertips together. This acts as the counterweight to your hip hinge. You can raise your sphere of tension upwards, as Dr. C shows here, to challenge yourself more.
Do five to ten decompression breaths in this position, and work that posterior chain!
#doafounder #foundationtraining #decompression #hiphinge #healthyspinehealthylife #chiropractic #mainstreetyvr #sphereoftension